Tuesday, April 21, 2015

spend a day being lost...

if i can recommend you one thing to set time for in your hectic schedule, it would be a day without a schedule, a day without a map, without an itinerary, a day to be lost, go to some new place where you dont know much about, take a look at a map and find some major landmarks, pick a general direction you want to go, and some basic concepts of things you might want to see or do, then turn off the damn phone, dont take any GPS, remember those landmarks well because i dont want you to even take a map, just go wonder, wonder and follow the wind, follow your nose, follow your heart, follow your eyes if some pretty girls are up ahead, dont take any baggage with you, physical, mental, emotional, just dont take any, spend a day with the day, spend the day with yourself, explore, talk to new people, sit in silence, try new things, dont hestitate and ask why when you think of something you might want to do, instead just make it a point to say why not, spend that day being lost and you just might find you will come home more found then you have been in a long time...

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